What’s in the… meal prep bag?

Everywhere I go, I bring along my meal prep bag. It is a staple of my travels far and near, and while such an accessory is becoming more common, it is often unclear to certain athletes what to bring along in such an all important carrier (apart from food of course). For me, the following items never leave my meal bag so I am ready for various situations as they arise and never hindered by those lovely excuses that are so easy to make: 

  • Extra napkins and disposable silverware (eating rice with your hands is somewhat cumbersome)

  • Salt, pepper, and hot sauce (a little flavor in case another desired topping is forgotten)

  • Aspirin, and Advil (in case aches and pains crop up or you need to save someone from a random heart attack)

  • Gas-X and Tums (eat a lot of food, bound to need these at some point)

  • Gatorade pack (easy to mix in carbs as needed)

  • Modafanil (because…Modafanil)

  • Extra 20oz bottle of water (no reason not to be hydrated)

  • A hand-written note from my wife (because I love my wife)

I throw my meals in and off I go, never a worry that I don’t have what I need for many situations. I suggest you look at your own bag and think about what you can carry to fit your everyday life and be ready for the most mundane, or even unexpected circumstances.  

For more information on lifestyle changes and preperation ideas, reach out for a conversation, or join TeamEVILGSP at its member’s site, members.teamevilgsp.com where these ideas and many others are fleshed out in great detail.


Professional Rules to Live by During Your Career


What’s in the…gym bag?